Children's Medicines


In this blog, we’ll look to understand why children sometimes need certain medicines, what best practices are when it comes to children and medicines, and different medicines and products for children who suffer from allergies, have a cold or the flu, babies who are prone to colic, gripe, or wind, as well as skincare and other specialty products designed for children and infants.

Why do children need special medicines?

It’s important to remember that children are not “mini adults” and their needs differ, including when it comes to medicines.

Children’s bodies respond to and break down medication differently from adults, so it’s important to ensure that appropriate medicines and doses for children are used, taking into account their age and weight.

You should always check with your healthcare provider if your child is having symptoms and you think they may need medical treatment. Don’t try to diagnose your child yourself.

Best practices when it comes to children and medicines

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when it comes to medicine and your child. When in doubt, you should always refer to a healthcare professional.

  • Think before treating and refer to a healthcare professional as needed.
  • Always read all information provided with the medicine, in full, and be sure you understand it.
  • Be especially aware of age restrictions on medicines, and never give your child medicine if they are not within the listed age range–even if they are very close to it.
  • Do not give your child multiple medicines with the same ingredient.
  • Never give children adult medicines unless otherwise instructed by your healthcare provider.
  • Don’t use expired medication. Be sure to properly dispose of medicines at your local pharmacy.
  • Never give your child medicine which is prescribed to someone else.
  • Don’t give more medicine than instructed.
  • Don’t administer medicines with the intention of making your child sleepy.
  • Know your child’s current weight and provide the proper dosage.
  • Select a medicine which treats only your child’s specific symptoms. For example, you may not need a multi-symptom cold medicine if your child only has a cough.
  • Don’t give medicines in the dark–it’s easier to make a dosing mistake.
  • Don’t refer to medicines as “candy” or “sweets” in an effort to get them to more easily take medicine, as this may encourage your child to try to take medicine on their own.
  • Keep all medicines out of sight and reach of children, and properly replace any caps or other packaging after use.
  • Set a good example by taking your own medicines properly and only when necessary, and avoid taking medications in front of very young children who may seek to imitate you.

Allergy medicines for children

We carry a wide range of allergy medicines to ensure we have what your family needs, including different brands, value packs, and more. You can view our full allergy and hay fever collection here.

We also have taken care to stock allergy medicines which are specifically designed for children of varying ages. Approximately 40-50% of all children in the UK suffer from one or more allergies, and many of these suffer from seasonal allergies such as hay fever.

Bell’s Healthcare Children’s Allergy Relief is a liquid solution containing loratadine 5mg/5ml, suitable for ages 2 years and over which helps with sneezing, an itchy and/or runny nose, and burning or itching eyes (all of which are common in children who suffer from hay fever). It can also help relieve the itching and redness associated with hives or nettle rash, as well as pet, dust, and skin allergies.

We also offer Becodefence Kids Allergy Defense, which is a nasal spray that helps to prevent and alleviate allergy symptoms, including those associated with hay fever. This product is suitable for children aged 6-12 years old. It starts to work within 3 minutes (5 times faster than tablets) and is drug and steroid free.

Piriton Syrup is suitable for children aged 1 year and older and helps to relieve various allergy symptoms, including those related to hay fever, insect bites, and hives.

Cold and flu medicines and products for children

Coughing is a common symptom in children with cold or flu, which can irritate their throats and even impact their sleep. Tixylix Baby Syrup is suitable for children as young as 3 months old (and up to 5 years old) and helps to treat dry, tickly coughs. There is also a Tixylix Children’s Cough Syrup, which comes in blackcurrant flavour.

Benylin Children’s Night Coughs is another syrup, designed specially to ease night coughing and to help children get a better night’s sleep, which will assist in their recovery. It also helps reduce nasal and chest congestion. This product is only suitable for children aged 6 years and older.

For children who are congested, Olbas for Children is a gentle, effective decongestant that comes in oil form and is suitable for children aged 3 months and older. It is a natural mixture of pure plant oils which release vapours that help ease nasal congestion and restore easy breathing. It is easy to administer, as you simply add the recommended number of drops to a tissue or hanky and place it just out of reach.

We also offer Snufflebabe Vapour Rub for children aged 3 months and older, which is a topical ointment administered by rubbing a small amount across the child’s chest and throat, being careful not to use on broken skin or around the nostrils. As it releases vapours, it helps to ease congestion. This is a natural product containing eucalyptus and thyme oils as well as menthol.

The AirPhysio Children’s Mucus Clearing Device is not a medicine, but a medical product. It is a compact respiratory therapy device, specially designed for children, which uses a gentle oscillating pressure technique to help loosen and remove mucus from children’s airways, making it easier for them to breathe. It is easy to use and suitable for children of all ages.

We also stock the Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator, a paediatrician-approved and non-invasive product which enables you to physically clear mucus from your baby’s nose by using a hygienic suction method. It is suitable for all ages.

It’s easy to take your baby or child’s temperature with a Digital Ear Thermometer and to get accurate results, which may be important to relay to your healthcare provider. 

Colic, gripe, and wind in infants

All babies cry and sometimes get fussy, but colic (sometimes called gripe) is when an otherwise healthy and growing infant cries more often and for longer periods of time than is usual, frequently starting in the early evening. They are often very hard to soothe, have high pitched crying or screaming, sometimes go red in the face or look like they are frowning or grimacing, and may clench their fists, stiffen their arms, arch their back, or pull up their legs. You may also notice that they have loud tummy rumblings, are passing gas or poo, or tend to spit up frequently after feeding.

If you suspect your baby may have colic, you should first rule out that anything is wrong with or bothering them which may be causing the crying.

You should call your doctor immediately if your baby:

  • Has a fever.
  • Is less alert or active than usual.
  • Isn’t feeding well.
  • Isn’t sucking strongly at the bottle or breast.
  • Has loose stools or blood in the stool.
  • Is throwing up.
  • Is losing weight or not gaining weight.
  • Can’t calm down no matter what you do.

For babies who are prone to colic, wind, and griping pain, Infacol Drops (also available in a larger size) are suitable even for newborns. Coming in an orange flavour, they are free from sugar, alcohol, and colourants, and the drops are easy to use with the provided dropper.

Similarly, Woodward’s Gripe Water is also alcohol and sugar free, offering relief from wind and gripe while relaxing the tummy for babies aged 1 month and above.

For babies who are colicky and temporarily lactose intolerant, Colief Infant Drops help to make your baby’s milk easier to digest, as they contain a lactase enzyme. They are safe to use with newborns.

Skincare for babies and children

Babies and young children have especially delicate, sensitive skin, and many are prone to issues such as nappy rash. It’s important to use gentle, moisturising products to soothe and protect their skin, in addition to good hygiene practices like regularly changing nappies and using suitable wipes.

Aveeno Baby Daily Care Moisturising Lotion is specially formulated for sensitive skin and is safe to use on babies with dry skin, while minimising the risk of allergies. It can be used after wiping with Aveeno Baby Daily Care Wipes, which provide a gentle, mild, and convenient way to clean a baby’s delicate skin, including during diaper changes.

An alternative wipe is WaterWipes, which are absolutely free of chemicals as they are 99.9% water and 0.1% grapefruit seed extract (a natural skin conditioner). They are safe even for preterm babies, containing no artificial fragrances or colours, and are plant-based and plastic-free, as well as being certified as microbiome friendly. These wipes are ideal for infants who may have allergies.

A product like Metanium Everyday Barrier Ointment can help prevent and manage nappy rash. It is dermatologically formulated and works by creating a protective barrier on your baby’s skin, shielding it from moisture and irritants that can lead to irritation and discomfort.

Other specialty products for infants and children

We stock a variety of other specialty products and medicines which are designed just for infants and children.

We offer Anbesol Teething Gel, Ashton & Parsons Teething Gel, and Bonjela Soothing Teething Gel to help your child as they begin to teeth. Both offer temporary relief from the pain and discomfort associated with teething.

Children also sometimes suffer from constipation. Care Glycerin Suppositories for Children as well as generic Glycerin Suppositories are both specifically designed to help relieve constipation in children over the age of 1 year. Glycerin, the active ingredient, works as a mild laxative by softening the stool and promoting bowel movements. It is a safe and effective option for parents seeking a gentle solution to relieve constipation in their child.

If you are seeking vitamin supplementation, we offer Vitabiotics Wellbaby Multi-Vitamin Drops, which are formulated for children aged 4 months to 1 year. The drops contain 14 different vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and D which are recommended by the UK Department of Health for all children between the ages of 6 months and five years.

In summary

In addition to our wide range of medicines for adults, we have taken care to stock a variety of medications that are suitable for children specifically, whether they suffer from allergies, have a cold or the flu, or are in need of other care.

Don’t forget to always check with your healthcare provider before administering any medication, and always be sure to check age and weight restrictions and dosing instructions.